Committee Descriptions
Communications - oversees the monthly bulletin board, newsletter, use of the meeting room, list of the members and attenders, web site, and email notification (for members who request it). This is an ad-hoc group that meets two or three times a year as needed.
Cuba Sister Meeting - encourages and coordinates the Meeting’s relationship with Puerto Padre Friends Meeting in Cuba, which is our sister Meeting through the New England Yearly Meeting (NEYM) Puente de Amigos (Bridge of Friends) with Cuba Yearly Meeting (CYM). Sponsors programs with visiting Cuban Friends, sending correspondence and material aid to CYM, and traveling to CYM as part of NEYM groups. Meets as needed.
Development - organizes fund raising within the Meeting including developing vehicles for communicating the financial status of the Meeting, developing new mechanisms for fund raising, and investigating new sources of funding. Members are nominated for three-year terms.
Finance - prepares annual Meeting budget after consultation with committees, and is responsible for notifying members of financial needs, for raising funds, and for looking after other financial matters.
Hospitality - prepares, serves, and cleans up coffee and tea after Meeting for Worship on Sundays; prepares juice and snack trays for First Day School classes; oversees receptions as needed (such as memorial services or weddings). Occasionally serves groups outside the Meeting.
House and Grounds - responsible for the cleaning and maintenance of the meetinghouse, furnishings, grounds, and driveways. Arranges for caretaker(s) to live in the meetinghouse apartment, and supervises their duties.
Library - oversees the Meeting library; purchases, catalogs, and organizes all books and pamphlets; encourages use of library materials. The Committee hopes to enter all materials on computer files, but needs volunteers to do so.
Membership - responsible for membership matters including outreach to distant Friends and the selection and conduct of clearness committees for those interested in joining the Meeting. With a concern for community life, the committee sponsors programs such as Wellesley Wednesdays, Friendly Partners, and a luncheon for Wellesley College students interested in Quakerism. Annually publishes the Meeting directory and sets guidelines for the use of the meetinghouse by members and outside groups. Limited to Meeting members.
Ministry and Counsel - responsible for the spiritual growth of the Meeting, and the enhancement of the religious life and fellowship of the members. Concerned with the quality of our worship, especially vocal ministry. Concerned with the welfare of every member and attender, seeks to provide pastoral care, and is available for counsel. Meets monthly and is limited to Meeting members.
Nominating - selects and nominates members and attenders to the various committees of the Meeting, keeping in mind the rotation of membership and particular interests and strengths of members. Fills vacancies before the end of the year (September to June) for the following year and reports to the April or May business meeting. Generally limited to Meeting members.
Partnering - supports the involvement of Wellesley Friends in our Meeting’s relationship with the New Covenant Church of Waltham through CMM’s partnership program. Offers consultation to Meeting committees that want to include the New Covenant Church in their work. Plans a few activities for the Meeting as a whole. Meets on an as-needed basis.
Peace - seeks to lead the WFM community in taking positions and action around issues of violence and conflict. Sees an obligation to witness for peace to the larger Friends community and to people at large. Seeks leading from the holy spirit in deepening our commitment to peace, remaining faithful to the Quaker tradition of nonviolence, and seeking to find true peace in our own lives.
Philanthropic Distribution - makes recommendations to the Meeting for the use of income from invested funds and contributions. Receives suggestions any time, but actively solicits recommendations before each of its semi-annual reports.
Religious Education - organizes the religious education program for the young people in the Meeting. Currently there are six First Day School classes. Each class has at least one coordinator who is responsible for organizing the teaching units for the teachers for the class. Coordinators organize the units according to a curriculum approved by the committee, ensuring that content matches the stages of development in young people. Monthly committee meetings to discuss the progress of classes.
Retreat - begins in January to plan the Meeting retreat for the following autumn. Responsible for all aspects of the retreat, including assigning people to housing, budgeting and collecting money, planning appropriate programs for all ages, and organizing evening programs and entertainment. In September, members finalize and execute arrangements for the retreat (shopping, transporting goods, etc.). At the retreat, they provide administrative and direct support to the retreat program and events.
Social Concerns - offers the Meeting community opportunities for service and advocacy in several areas of concern including hunger and homelessness. Coordinates projects with local groups (Bristol Lodge shelters and soup kitchen, Sage House, and other programs) and international groups Oxfam and CHAPO (Comprehensive Haitian American Program Outreach). FASP (Faithful Action on State Policy) is a sub-group of the Social Concerns committee which follows and presents Massachusetts issues that may be of particular concern to Friends, including: preventing homelessness, supporting gay rights, and opposing casinos. The Social Concerns committee identifies new community needs and works to provide ways for the Meeting to respond.
Individual Roles
Clerk - presides at all monthly business meetings and strives to gather the sense of the Meeting. Occasionally officially represents the Meeting. Serves as clerk of periodic meetings of the committee clerks.
Cooperative Metropolitan Ministries (CMM) Representatives - attend the sessions of this urban/suburban coalition and report back as needed. The mission of Cooperative Metropolitan Ministries (CMM) is to mobilize congregations and communities across economic, religious, racial, and ethnic boundaries so that in partnership we can work more effectively for a just society.
Corresponding Clerk - occasionally writes traveling minutes, epistles, or other Meeting correspondence. Serves as a back-up when the recording clerk is unavailable.
FCNL Contact - keeps the Meeting informed of the concerns of the Friends Committee on National Legislation, based in Washington D.C.
Life Experience School/Peace Abbey Contact - serves as a liaison between the school/abbey and the Meeting.
Meetinghouse Scheduler - keeps overall Meeting calendar and transfers dates to the public calendar.
Newsletter Editor(s) - gathers Meeting news and handles all necessary details in printing and distributing the newsletter, which is distributed to all members, attenders, and others as requested by the first of each month (except July and August). It includes the Meeting calendar for the month with notices of special events, committee meetings, and items of general interest.
New England Yearly Meeting (NEYM) Nominating Contact - attends all yearly meeting Nominating Committee meetings and participates in the job of filling NEYM committees and boards.
Recorder - keeps official records of Meeting, including all transfers, weddings, births, and deaths. Annually sends such statistics to NEYM.
Recording Clerk - takes the minutes of monthly business meeting as well as periodic meetings of the committee clerks.
Religious Education Consultant - oversees all religious education activities and class coordinators.
Salem Quarterly Meeting Representative - commits to participate in business sessions on behalf of the Meeting and report back.
Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer, and Auditor - handle the financial details of the Meeting.
Yearly Meeting Representatives - commit to participate in New England Yearly Meeting business sessions on behalf of the Meeting and report back. There are usually 4 or 5 people named at the June meeting for business.
Young Friends Coordinator - works with and guides the Young Friends program and encourages youth empowerment in the Meeting. Needs commitment and enthusiasm for students aged 14-18. Attends Religious Education Committee meetings. No set term.
Communications - oversees the monthly bulletin board, newsletter, use of the meeting room, list of the members and attenders, web site, and email notification (for members who request it). This is an ad-hoc group that meets two or three times a year as needed.
Cuba Sister Meeting - encourages and coordinates the Meeting’s relationship with Puerto Padre Friends Meeting in Cuba, which is our sister Meeting through the New England Yearly Meeting (NEYM) Puente de Amigos (Bridge of Friends) with Cuba Yearly Meeting (CYM). Sponsors programs with visiting Cuban Friends, sending correspondence and material aid to CYM, and traveling to CYM as part of NEYM groups. Meets as needed.
Development - organizes fund raising within the Meeting including developing vehicles for communicating the financial status of the Meeting, developing new mechanisms for fund raising, and investigating new sources of funding. Members are nominated for three-year terms.
Finance - prepares annual Meeting budget after consultation with committees, and is responsible for notifying members of financial needs, for raising funds, and for looking after other financial matters.
Hospitality - prepares, serves, and cleans up coffee and tea after Meeting for Worship on Sundays; prepares juice and snack trays for First Day School classes; oversees receptions as needed (such as memorial services or weddings). Occasionally serves groups outside the Meeting.
House and Grounds - responsible for the cleaning and maintenance of the meetinghouse, furnishings, grounds, and driveways. Arranges for caretaker(s) to live in the meetinghouse apartment, and supervises their duties.
Library - oversees the Meeting library; purchases, catalogs, and organizes all books and pamphlets; encourages use of library materials. The Committee hopes to enter all materials on computer files, but needs volunteers to do so.
Membership - responsible for membership matters including outreach to distant Friends and the selection and conduct of clearness committees for those interested in joining the Meeting. With a concern for community life, the committee sponsors programs such as Wellesley Wednesdays, Friendly Partners, and a luncheon for Wellesley College students interested in Quakerism. Annually publishes the Meeting directory and sets guidelines for the use of the meetinghouse by members and outside groups. Limited to Meeting members.
Ministry and Counsel - responsible for the spiritual growth of the Meeting, and the enhancement of the religious life and fellowship of the members. Concerned with the quality of our worship, especially vocal ministry. Concerned with the welfare of every member and attender, seeks to provide pastoral care, and is available for counsel. Meets monthly and is limited to Meeting members.
Nominating - selects and nominates members and attenders to the various committees of the Meeting, keeping in mind the rotation of membership and particular interests and strengths of members. Fills vacancies before the end of the year (September to June) for the following year and reports to the April or May business meeting. Generally limited to Meeting members.
Partnering - supports the involvement of Wellesley Friends in our Meeting’s relationship with the New Covenant Church of Waltham through CMM’s partnership program. Offers consultation to Meeting committees that want to include the New Covenant Church in their work. Plans a few activities for the Meeting as a whole. Meets on an as-needed basis.
Peace - seeks to lead the WFM community in taking positions and action around issues of violence and conflict. Sees an obligation to witness for peace to the larger Friends community and to people at large. Seeks leading from the holy spirit in deepening our commitment to peace, remaining faithful to the Quaker tradition of nonviolence, and seeking to find true peace in our own lives.
Philanthropic Distribution - makes recommendations to the Meeting for the use of income from invested funds and contributions. Receives suggestions any time, but actively solicits recommendations before each of its semi-annual reports.
Religious Education - organizes the religious education program for the young people in the Meeting. Currently there are six First Day School classes. Each class has at least one coordinator who is responsible for organizing the teaching units for the teachers for the class. Coordinators organize the units according to a curriculum approved by the committee, ensuring that content matches the stages of development in young people. Monthly committee meetings to discuss the progress of classes.
Retreat - begins in January to plan the Meeting retreat for the following autumn. Responsible for all aspects of the retreat, including assigning people to housing, budgeting and collecting money, planning appropriate programs for all ages, and organizing evening programs and entertainment. In September, members finalize and execute arrangements for the retreat (shopping, transporting goods, etc.). At the retreat, they provide administrative and direct support to the retreat program and events.
Social Concerns - offers the Meeting community opportunities for service and advocacy in several areas of concern including hunger and homelessness. Coordinates projects with local groups (Bristol Lodge shelters and soup kitchen, Sage House, and other programs) and international groups Oxfam and CHAPO (Comprehensive Haitian American Program Outreach). FASP (Faithful Action on State Policy) is a sub-group of the Social Concerns committee which follows and presents Massachusetts issues that may be of particular concern to Friends, including: preventing homelessness, supporting gay rights, and opposing casinos. The Social Concerns committee identifies new community needs and works to provide ways for the Meeting to respond.
Individual Roles
Clerk - presides at all monthly business meetings and strives to gather the sense of the Meeting. Occasionally officially represents the Meeting. Serves as clerk of periodic meetings of the committee clerks.
Cooperative Metropolitan Ministries (CMM) Representatives - attend the sessions of this urban/suburban coalition and report back as needed. The mission of Cooperative Metropolitan Ministries (CMM) is to mobilize congregations and communities across economic, religious, racial, and ethnic boundaries so that in partnership we can work more effectively for a just society.
Corresponding Clerk - occasionally writes traveling minutes, epistles, or other Meeting correspondence. Serves as a back-up when the recording clerk is unavailable.
FCNL Contact - keeps the Meeting informed of the concerns of the Friends Committee on National Legislation, based in Washington D.C.
Life Experience School/Peace Abbey Contact - serves as a liaison between the school/abbey and the Meeting.
Meetinghouse Scheduler - keeps overall Meeting calendar and transfers dates to the public calendar.
Newsletter Editor(s) - gathers Meeting news and handles all necessary details in printing and distributing the newsletter, which is distributed to all members, attenders, and others as requested by the first of each month (except July and August). It includes the Meeting calendar for the month with notices of special events, committee meetings, and items of general interest.
New England Yearly Meeting (NEYM) Nominating Contact - attends all yearly meeting Nominating Committee meetings and participates in the job of filling NEYM committees and boards.
Recorder - keeps official records of Meeting, including all transfers, weddings, births, and deaths. Annually sends such statistics to NEYM.
Recording Clerk - takes the minutes of monthly business meeting as well as periodic meetings of the committee clerks.
Religious Education Consultant - oversees all religious education activities and class coordinators.
Salem Quarterly Meeting Representative - commits to participate in business sessions on behalf of the Meeting and report back.
Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer, and Auditor - handle the financial details of the Meeting.
Yearly Meeting Representatives - commit to participate in New England Yearly Meeting business sessions on behalf of the Meeting and report back. There are usually 4 or 5 people named at the June meeting for business.
Young Friends Coordinator - works with and guides the Young Friends program and encourages youth empowerment in the Meeting. Needs commitment and enthusiasm for students aged 14-18. Attends Religious Education Committee meetings. No set term.